Removing Dead Grass For a Healthier Lawn

Removing Dead Grass For a Healthier Lawn


April 21, 2022

There’s nothing that ruins the picturesque look of a luscious green lawn quite like a dead patch.

Whether you’ve done something to kill the grass or you’re unsure why it died off, you want to tackle dead grass quickly to keep the rest of your lawn looking good.

How do you remove dead grass from the lawn? There are a few possible methods for removing dead grass, including digging up the affected area, using a rake or dethatcher, or trying to correct the affected turf. Depending on the severity and size of the dead grass, one of these is likely to be the best option.

Learning how to remove dead grass from lawn areas is essential for keeping the rest of your yard in shape. This guide will show you why it matters, what you can do about it, and how to ensure the living lawn doesn’t become affected.

Why Does Dead Grass Matter?

Why Does Dead Grass Matter?

If you spot a patch of dead or dying grass on your lawn, it’s time to sit up and pay attention.

Brown spots on the lawn usually indicate that the grass isn’t receiving the nutrients it needs, so it’s likely that this problem will soon affect the rest of your lawn as well.

Assessing the cause of the dead grass is important so you know how to fix the root of the problem before trying to revive the grass itself.

The most common causes are fertilizer burn, pests, weeds, thatch, dry conditions, incorrect pH levels, and lack of nutrients, which means the entire lawn will eventually suffer as well.

The Best Methods for Removing Dead Grass

The Best Methods for Removing Dead Grass

In the world of gardening, there’s no single way to get a job done, and the same goes for removing dead grass. If you’ve spotted a patch of dead grass and want it gone, these are some of the most effective methods:

  • Smother it with compost: To remove the dead grass on the lawn naturally, you can apply a heap of compost over the affected area. The compost will smother the grass and allow it to die slowly, and after two months it will be gone without having to do any manual pulling and using no harsh chemicals.
  • Raking and dethatching: Use a dethatcher or power rake to break up the dead grass and remove it more easily. This is a slightly harsher method but one that makes light work of the job. If the sod is removed as well, you’ll need to reseed the area, so be cautious of how hard you use these tools.
  • Cut the grass out: Mow the affected area of grass so that the dead patch is at ground level, then till the leftover dead grass into the soil. Use a shovel to cut two to four inches from the top of the soil so that you remove the dead grass roots as well as the turf on top.

How to Keep the Healthy Lawn

How to Keep the Healthy Lawn

All of the methods we’ve discussed for removing dead grass will ensure that the surrounding healthy lawn is left alone, but you should take care when doing them.

After removing or reviving the brown patches, keep a close watch on how the lawn is performing so you can ensure the rest of it is in good health. Overseed or reseed the area and keep it hydrated until the grass seeds start to germinate.

As with anything, prevention is better than the cure, so ensuring your grass is kept healthy will prevent this dead grass from occurring again.

Develop a lawn maintenance schedule that includes irrigation, weeding, feeding, manicuring, and troubleshooting any problems that arise, and the likelihood of seeing dead grass again will be low.

Say Goodbye to Brown Grass

The appearance of a patch of dead grass is enough to ruin any good lawn, so getting on top of it as soon as you notice something is wrong is key.

Regardless of the method you use, your entire lawn will benefit from having the brown spots removed, and it may prompt you to take better care of it in the future.

Related Questions

There are lots of things that can cause your lawn to turn brown and die, so knowing what’s possible will help you to prevent them.

If you have questions about taking care of your lawn so that it stays luscious and healthy, check out these FAQs that might be able to help answer them.

What Does Brown Grass Mean?

The most common cause of a brown lawn is a lack of nutrients, so performing a soil test is the best place to start if you don’t think there’s anything else to blame.

Other causes of brown grass include weeds, pests, misuse of gardening products, and drought-like conditions, so consider these as the problem if your soil is testing fine.

Can Fertilizer Burn Lawn?

Can Fertilizer Burn Lawn?

Fertilizer burn is a real thing and it can affect grass that’s had too much fertilizer applied to it or applied incorrectly.

The signs of fertilizer burn are usually discoloration of the grass, so if you notice yellow, brown, or black grass after a recent fertilizer application, you may need to rinse out the fertilizer each day to try and revive the grass.

How to Get Rid of Fungus on Your Lawn?

There are lots of natural methods for dealing with lawn fungus including applying neem oil or compost tea to the affected areas.

Fungicides are harsher chemical solutions that can be effective at treating lawn fungus, but they may pose a safety risk to any animals or children than enjoy your lawn.



Rebecca Vargas is an experienced gardener and landscaper and has been rendering professional services for many years. Her services cover both private homes and commercial properties. Leveraging that rich experience, Rebecca Vargas now dedicates a chunk of time to show just about anyone how to maintain their garden and yard, whether at home or workplace. GreenIQ is his way of reaching and teaching millions of homeowners across the globe about proper gardening and lawn care practices.