When Should I Apply 10-10-10 Fertilizer to My Lawn?

When Should I Apply 10-10-10 Fertilizer to My Lawn?


April 21, 2022

Your choice in fertilizer needs to match the exact requirements of the plants you’re treating, with some being all-purpose and others having a more specific formula.

10-10-10 fertilizer is considered a good all-rounder in this regard but there are some limitations on how it should be applied.

When should I apply 10-10-10 fertilizer to my lawn? If you’ve tested the soil of your lawn and find that it’s balanced in nutrients and you just want to give it a boost, you can safely apply 10-10-10 fertilizer. The timing needs to be right as well, with experts recommending spring and fall as the best seasons for application.

There are lots of benefits to using 10-10-10 fertilizer on the lawn, but some downsides to consider as well. To make sure you’re giving your grass exactly what it needs, we’ve created a quick guide to this fertilizer ratio to help you do it right.

What is a 10-10-10 Fertilizer?

What is a 10-10-10 Fertilizer?

Almost every type of fertilizer sold for the garden will display a ratio on it, which indicates the nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) quantities of nutrients within it.

If you see a 10-10-10 fertilizer, this means that there are 10 equal parts of N-P-K, so if those are the balances of nutrients that your lawn needs, it’s the right fit.

Generally speaking, 10-10-10 is considered the best choice as a multipurpose fertilizer and it’s one of the most commonly sold varieties. You can use it in garden beds, lawns, and just about any application, but only if that’s what your plants need.

How Do I Know If I Need to Use It?

How Do I Know If I Need to Use It?

Before you fertilize your lawn, you need to determine what type of fertilizer it requires, and the only way to do this accurately is with a soil test. You can purchase a soil testing kit from most hardware and gardening soils, and it takes just minutes to get results.

With the soil test results, you’ll then need to think about your goals for the plant it’s being applied to. Whether you want the grass to be greener or thicker or something else altogether, the right type of fertilizer can help you achieve it.

10-10-10 fertilizer can provide a boost to your plants’ fertility which results in better growth, making it a popular choice for lawns.

What to Know About Applying 10-10-10 Fertilizer

What to Know About Applying 10-10-10 Fertilizer

Any time we apply fertilizer to our lawns, we need to make sure we’re doing it right. These are the must-know things about 10-10-10 fertilizer that will ensure it’s going on properly and safely.

  • Time it right: The best time to apply 10-10-10 is twice during fall and twice during spring. With this application, you’ll get the grass as healthy as possible for the upcoming cold and hot seasons so it has to be timed perfectly. Apply it in the morning while it’s cool and on a day where no rain is expected.
  • Be careful with runoff: Because 10-10-10 has a higher concentration of nitrogen than others, you need to be careful with runoff after applying it. Nitrogen can cause water pollution and watering it or exposing it to rain might send large amounts into the drainage systems, so be cautious when using it.
  • Choose the right method: 10-10-10 fertilizers will usually come in a granular form as their contents make them impossible to absorb in water. You’ll need a dedicated broadcaster to help you spread the fertilizer more easily when applying it in this form. There are lower doses of 10-10-10 in a liquid form but you’ll need to use more in each application.
  • Protect yourself: Due to the synthetic nature of 10-10-10 fertilizers, you need to protect yourself and the equipment you use. Wear protective gloves at the very least and ensure you’ve cleaned off any gardening tools or equipment you used to protect them. Don’t let animals or children out into the yard for a few days following the application to ensure the granules have been watered into the ground first.

Making the Most of 10-10-10

The world of fertilizers is bigger than most people realize, and it can be a headache trying to figure out which bag to choose.

Although 10-10-10 fertilizer has its benefits, you need to make sure it’s being applied only when needed, otherwise, the damage to your lawn could be vast.

Related Questions

The key to a green, thick, luscious lawn is a lot of ongoing maintenance, with fertilization being one of the most crucial steps.

If you still have questions about choosing and applying fertilizers to your grass, read on for some FAQs that can give you a push in the right direction.

What Is the Best Month to Fertilizer Your Lawn?

The best time to fertilize your lawn depends on where you live and what type of grass you have.

Usually, spring and fall are the most popular months for fertilization as they’ll help to strengthen your grass before the harsher weather conditions begin, but you should consider your lawn’s specific needs first.

Is It OK to Fertilize Grass in Hot Weather?

Is It OK to Fertilize Grass in Hot Weather?

It’s not advisable to apply any time of fertilizer during summer or hot weather as it can cause more harm than good.

You should aim for in between summer and winter for fertilization when temperatures are more neutral, however, this also depends on the climate where you live.

Is Liquid or Dry Fertilizer Best for Lawns?

There are benefits to both dry fertilizers and liquid types, depending on the gardener’s and lawn’s needs.

Liquid fertilizer delivers faster results but dry fertilizers will last longer and deliver the nutrients more slowly, so there’s likely to be a better fit for your gardening preferences.



Rebecca Vargas is an experienced gardener and landscaper and has been rendering professional services for many years. Her services cover both private homes and commercial properties. Leveraging that rich experience, Rebecca Vargas now dedicates a chunk of time to show just about anyone how to maintain their garden and yard, whether at home or workplace. GreenIQ is his way of reaching and teaching millions of homeowners across the globe about proper gardening and lawn care practices.