Six Cool Lawn Mowing Patterns

Six Cool Lawn Mowing Patterns


May 3, 2022

Do you find it boring to mow your grass? It can be quite tedious! This is why choosing a cool lawn mowing pattern can be more satisfying and fun to do.

Are lawn mowing patterns good for your grass? It’s good to do a different cutting pattern every now and then to prevent repetitive patterns that can compact your soil. A lawn mowing pattern will not only make mowing your grass a bit less tedious to do, but it will also leave your lawn looking gorgeous and healthy. Read on to learn why lawn mowing patterns are beneficial and how you can start cutting your grass in more fun ways.

Benefits Of Lawn Mowing Patterns

Benefits Of Lawn Mowing Patterns
  • It hides lawn imperfections: Lawn mowing patterns can mask any imperfections in your lawn, such as if you have a dry spot that doesn’t match the rest of your grass. 
  • It prevents dents in your soil: If you always mow your lawn in the same pattern, this can cause dents in your soil over time. Bear in mind that a lawnmower is heavy, weighing in around 80 or more pounds, so all that weight placed on your lawn, in the same way, can cause your grass to become damaged. 
  • It makes your lawn look beautiful: A lawn that’s been cut into a pattern can help to make it look even more appealing than if it’s always cut in the same way.

Six Cool Lawn Mowing Patterns 

Want to try a cool lawn mowing pattern so your grass will be the envy of your neighbors? Here are six to consider. 



Having stripes across your lawn will make it look professional and attractive. Here’s how to do it.

  • Mow the first straight stripe with a line of sight in mind, such as a lawn border or focal point. This will be your guide for the rest of the stripes you mow. 
  • Make sure you move slowly in Y-turns instead of sharp turns. 
  • You should also do stripes around the lawn perimeter so that you have a smooth, appealing border. 



This is a cool twist on stripes and will definitely make your lawn get more attention from neighbors and guests. It might also be a good idea for you if you have a slightly uneven lawn as it will disguise it. 

  • Start by mowing a stripe, but do it in a curved design. 
  • Make sure that when you turn your lawnmower you do so in a subtle way. Try to be as consistent as possible so all the waves are identical. 
  • To make the job easier, the first wave that you make with your lawnmower should be the guide so that the rest of the waves on the lawn will be properly aligned. 


diamond cut lawn

This pattern is more complicated to do, but it will make your lawn look beautiful so it’s worth trying the next time you have extra time to dedicate to mowing your lawn. 

  • Mow a diagonal stripe along the middle of your lawn. 
  • Mow another stripe next to the first one. 
  • Then, move your lawnmower around the edge of your lawn and make a second stripe in the same direction to make one light stripe with two darker stripes next to it. 
  • You should continue the above steps until both sides of your lawn have been striped. 
  • Mow the crossing stripes with a diagonal first stripe. This should be done in the opposite direction. 
  • Do a return pass right next to it. 
  • Continuing to do this – one stripe then two stripes back, until you’ve covered the entire lawn.



If you want to make a cool circular pattern in your grass, you can do this in two different ways: you can do so by starting from the inside or from the outside.

Starting inside is good if you have a focal point such as a tree so you work your way from the inside out to the edge of the lawn. By comparison, if your lawn is free of any focal points you can start on the outside much easier.

  • Move slowly as you mow the grass in a circular pattern.
  • Use the first ring you make as a guide so that you maintain the same distance between all the rings.
  • Make sure you overlap the tire tracks of your lawnmower. This will ensure that the tires produce a wider track, which is what you want in a circular mowing pattern. 



This is a charming mowing pattern to try in your lawn. The effect is produced by how the blades of grass bend in opposite directions so that they reflect the light and create contrast in the lawn.

  • Start by mowing your lawn in straight rows, moving in one direction. 
  • Mow the lawn again, but this time make sure it’s done at a 90-degree angle from the first pass you made. 
  • Mow the perimeter of the lawn again – this should be done at the end of your mowing session so that you prevent any irregularities and to keep the lawn looking neat. 



If you want to make arches in your lawn, you will have to do alternating stripes that are in the shape of a chevron. It can be a pattern that’s a little trickier to master, so you should attempt it after you’ve done other patterns successfully.

You will have to cut one half of your lawn with a chevron pattern pointing in one direction, then the other half with the chevron pattern in the opposite direction. Make sure the starting and ending points of each stripe are opposite each other. This has to be precise!  

  • Start by cutting the lawn around the perimeter of the lawn.
  • Then, cut your first stripe so that the 90-degree bend of the pattern is at the center of your lawn. 
  • Do alternating stripes. You should do this until you have done the full half of the lawn. 
  • Go back to the center of the lawn and produce the stripes in the opposite direction. You should do this all the way to the other side of your lawn. 

Tips For Making Beautiful Lawn Mowing Patterns

Tips For Making Beautiful Lawn Mowing Patterns

Now that we’ve looked at how to make some of the best lawn mowing patterns, here are some important tips to follow so that you always get a good result no matter what pattern you’re attempting.  

  • You should always start at the lawn perimeter. Cutting the grass around the perimeter before you tackle the rest of your lawn will ensure you can account for any unevenness in the grass that will affect the pattern you’re trying to mow. 
  • You should mow in different directions. Whatever pattern you’re cutting into the grass, you need to mow in opposite directions so that you get the results you want – it’s all about creating contrast. 
  • You should use different mowing patterns every two or three times you cut your grass. This will ensure that the grass will continue to grow at its best and it’ll prevent damage being done to the grass by the mower tires. 
  • You should use a driveway, sidewalk, or other structure in your garden as a guide so that you keep the pattern as uniform and even as possible. 
  • You shouldn’t aim for perfection right away. If you’ve never cut a pattern into your grass, you should ensure that you experiment a bit to see what type of pattern works best in your grass. 
  • You should keep your grass a bit taller. Aim to keep your grass around 3 or 3.5 inches in height as this will ensure your pattern can look more intense and defined. The bonus of doing this is that it will reduce how regularly you have to mow your grass. 

Related Questions 

What type of grass is best for mowing patterns?

Cool-season grasses are more flexible than warm-season grasses, so they’re ideal for mowing patterns.

What patterns should you avoid if your lawn has focal areas or hard structures?

Arched and diamond patterns might not look so great if you have lawns that contain walkways, trees, or other focal points.


If you want to shake up your lawn mowing routine, consider trying one of the cool lawn mowing patterns that we’ve featured in this article. To ensure you end up with a beautiful, professional-looking result, we’ve also broken down some of the most important tips to bear in mind. 



Rebecca Vargas is an experienced gardener and landscaper and has been rendering professional services for many years. Her services cover both private homes and commercial properties. Leveraging that rich experience, Rebecca Vargas now dedicates a chunk of time to show just about anyone how to maintain their garden and yard, whether at home or workplace. GreenIQ is his way of reaching and teaching millions of homeowners across the globe about proper gardening and lawn care practices.