Soil Test Kit Reviews and top picks

Best Soil Test Kit For Your Lawn

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Rapitest Premium Soil Test Kit



Luster Leaf 1601 Rapitest Test Kit for Soil



Luster Leaf 1847 Rapitest Digital Plus Soil pH Meter

When last did you test the soil on your lawn?

If you answered “never” to this question, you really should do it soon! Testing your lawn will ensure that it’s got all the correct nutrients it requires to be healthy and grow beautifully green.

What are the nutrients that grass needs to grow?

Some of the most powerful nutrients that you should feed your grass include phosphorous, nitrogen, and potassium.

If you want to test your soil, you should purchase the best soil test kit for your lawn. GreenIQ breaks down five of the most effective kits to use to get greener, more beautiful grass.

Later on in this article, we’ve also got all the information you need to know about testing your soil.

Best Chemical Soil Test Kit: Rapitest Premium Soil Test Kit

Short summary

This soil test kit will test the quality of your soil regarding how many macronutrients – namely, potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen – it contains.

You can use it in your garden soil or pots that you use to plant flowers, so it’s versatile. It comes with a four-stage visual chart that shows you the deficient and sufficient chemical levels of the soil, so it’s great to have at hand when you want to garden.

Once you’ve tested your soil, this kit will give you instructions as well as recommendations on how to improve the quality of your soil. It’s a comprehensive kit because it comes with liquid reagents and equipment so that you can conduct up to 80 tests of all the macronutrients.

This soil testing kit is ideal for the classroom, but it’s also marked as a professional product so you can be assured that you’re going to get quality results from it.

Quick Facts

  • Type: Liquid
  • Ease of use: Medium
  • Ingredients: Potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen
  • Best for: pH testing



Runner Up: Luster Leaf Products 1663 Professional Soil Kit

Short summary

Just like with the previous soil testing kit, this one by Luster Leaf gives you enough components so you can conduct up to 80 tests – 20 each for soil potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorous.

It comes with simple, easy-to-read instructions, which makes it useful for beginners and professionals alike.

What’s great about this testing kit is that it has a pH reference list that contains hundreds of plants, which makes this a comprehensive kit for gardening enthusiasts. The pH reference also includes houseplants, which is great if you’re interested in getting better at indoor gardening.

This best soil tester enables you to compare test results against colorimetric and turbidity reading charts. What further makes it ideal for gardeners, whether you’re a beginner or experienced, is that it comes with tips about gardening as well as how to alter the soil conditions so that you can improve them.

Before using this soil testing kit, make sure you conduct about eight tests and then calculate the average so that you get the most accurate results.

Quick Facts

  • Type: Liquid
  • Ease of use: Medium
  • Ingredients: potassium, nitrogen, phosphorous, potash
  • Best for: Garden soil



Best pH Lawn Test Kit, Winner: Luster Leaf 1601 Rapitest Test Kit

Short summary

This soil testing kit can help your grass get a new lease on life.

If you want to grow a beautiful green lawn, you might encounter some obstacles. These include if the grass isn’t growing properly or its becoming yellow, which can point to a nutrient deficiency. 

It’s user-friendly and easy to use. It can be used to test for a variety of things, such as pH, phosphorus, potash, and nitrogen. Not only affordable, this soil testing kit comes with a capsule system and it allows you to conduct 40 tests – this takes the form of 10 tests for the pH and nutrients.

This soil nutrient tester comes with simple, easy-to-use instructions that are also detailed so that you can use it with ease and know what you’re doing even if you’ve never tested your soil before. The soil pH preference list is ideal for growing over 450 types of plants, which makes this the best soil testing kit for your lawn and garden beds alike.

To use this kit, all you have to do is take some soil from your garden, mix it with water, and transfer the solution into the color comparator of the kit. Add powder from a capsule, shake it, and wait for the color to develop to give you the results.

Quick Facts

  • Type: Powder
  • Ease of use: Easy
  • Ingredients: pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, potash
  • Best for: Garden and lawn



Runner Up: Garden Tutor Soil pH Test Kit

Short summary

This Garden Tutor soil testing kit can give you results about the quality of your soil in just 60 seconds, so it’s great for homeowners who want to make their gardens healthier without a lot of hassle.

Testing the pH of different areas of your garden is important because it can vary from one area to another. Therefore, this soil testing kit is ideal to ensure you can take multiple pH tests.

By improving your soil’s pH, you’ll ensure that your soil has the nutrients your plants need to thrive. You can use this Garden Tutor soil pH test kit on your outdoor and indoor plants, such as herbs, flowers, annuals, perennials, fruits, and vegetables.

It comes with a detailed, pH testing handbook that contains sulfur and lime application charts. This is therefore a versatile kit that will give you all-round gardening success.

What’s great about this soil testing kit is that it’s very easy to use, as compared to other kits on the market. Once you’ve collected soil and put it into a cup or jar, and mixed it with water, you just have to dip the pH testing strip into the solution.

Quick Facts

  • Type: pH strips
  • Ease of use: Easy
  • Ingredients: pH
  • Best for: Garden and lawn



Best Digital Soil Test: Luster Leaf 1847 Rapitest Digital Soil pH Meter

Short summary

If you’d prefer to have a digital pH meter for your soil, this one by Luster Leaf is worth purchasing.

This digital pH meter has an easy-to-read output that measures the pH level of your soil instantly. It comes with a built-in electronic plant database, and it’s been designed and engineered in the USA.

What’s great about this digital soil meter is that you can add your favorite plants to its database, which makes it versatile and user-friendly. Its database includes plant pH preferences for more than 400 fruits, vegetables, flowers, grasses, and landscape plants.

It has a numeric format that’s easy to read, so it’s ideal for beginners. The results are displayed on the meter’s LCD screen, so it couldn’t be easier to use this device.

What’s great about this digital pH meter is that it will give you results that you can use to your advantage – either choose specific plants that will thrive in the soil’s current pH or change the soil pH so that you can achieve more success with planting what you want in your garden.

Quick Facts

  • Type: Digital
  • Ease of use: Easy
  • Ingredients: pH
  • Best for: Garden and lawn



Lawn pH Test FAQ

If you want to test the pH and macronutrients of your lawn and soil, you will need to get your hands on the correct soil testing kit.

In this article, we’ve featured five of the best soil test kits for your lawn and garden.

But, you might still have some questions about the pH of your garden and how to test it correctly. With that in mind, let’s explore some of the most common questions you might have and the information you need to know about soil pH.

What is the perfect lawn pH for green grass?


What is the perfect lawn pH for green grass?

If you want to grow healthy, luscious green grass on your lawn, you will have to ensure that the soil has the correct pH level.

This is essential because if the pH level is too low or too high, you will have issues. If you’re dealing with low pH in your soil, this means your grass won’t be able to absorb enough of the nutrients that it requires. Your lawn will look yellow because the soil will be too acidic. By comparison, if the soil has a high pH, this means it’s too alkaline. You will see that the grass isn’t growing as it should because its growth will be stunted.

The ideal pH level of your soil should be between 6.5 and 7.0, so it’s slightly acidic but not too much. This will ensure that the grass can properly absorb the nutrients that it needs from the soil. To lower the pH, usually sulfur is added to the soil. To increase the pH, lime is usually added.

Conducting a soil test is therefore essential so that you know exactly what you should do to improve the quality of your soil. This will ensure that it’s healthy and nutritious so that grass can grow.

How do I lower the pH in my lawn soil?

If you need to lower the pH of your lawn soil, in other words, your soil is alkaline, you should do this by sprinkling granular sulfur all over your lawn. If you want to lower the pH level by just one point, then using a garden spreader to sprinkle sulfur all over the grass is ideal. After you have sprinkled the sulfur over your lawn, you will have to wait for three months before retesting the soil. If at this time, the soil pH is still low, you will have to reapply the sulfur.

Note that you should apply sulfur to the soil before you plant or install new grass. It takes a few months for the sulfur to break down so that the grass can pick it up properly, and this is why it’s advisable to apply it to your soil well in advance of planting the grass.

What are some other measurements important for a soil test?


Important measurements for a soil test

You should test your soil’s pH, but that’s not always enough. If your soil pH is at a good level but your garden or lawn is still struggling to thrive, then that should be a red flag that your soil could be battling to get enough nutrients it needs.

It’s, therefore, a good idea to test for essential nutrients so that your grass can be healthy and green. These nutrients include the following:

  • Phosphorous. This mineral promotes the growth of plant roots. If your plants don’t get enough phosphorus, their growth can be stunted or they might have a dark-green color.
  • Potassium. This nutrient provides plants with the health they require for functions such as protein synthesis, the movement of water throughout them that ensures water can get to all parts of the plant, and photosynthesis. It also ensures that the plant can absorb and maintain water to grow.
  • Nitrogen. This is essential for plants to get enough of because nitrogen is a component of chlorophyll. Plants require chlorophyll because it’s a compound that plants need to use sunlight energy so that they can produce sugars from carbon dioxide and water. Nitrogen is also the main component of amino acids, which are building blocks of protein. Without protein, plants simply won’t survive.

When should you test soil for your lawn?

There are some important tips to follow when testing the soil to grow a healthy lawn. This will ensure gardening success. Here’s what to know.

The best time to do a soil test is during the fall if you have an established site where you want to grow a lawn. If you have a new site, you can take soil samples at any time when the soil is workable. If you test your soil during the season of fall, this will ensure you have enough time in which to apply lime to increase the soil pH if you’re dealing with a low pH.

On the other hand, you should apply sulfur in the early spring to give your soil enough time to become healthier.

While it’s important to test your soil, you don’t have to do it very regularly. Ideally, you should test your soil every two to three years. If you’re dealing with sandy soils, such as because you have high levels of rainfall and irrigation in your region, you should commit to taking soil samples every year.

Purchasing a soil testing kit is great because you won’t have to use it very regularly, which makes it more affordable. However, always check the expiry dates on the soil test kits for gardening so that you don’t accidentally allow them to expire before you can put them to good use!


If you’ve always said that you don’t have green fingers, make sure that your garden soil isn’t the culprit for why your lawn and plants don’t have a chance to grow properly and thrive.

The truth is that you need to conduct soil tests to ensure that your soil quality is conducive to planting success.

After reading this guide, you now know more about the best soil test kit for your lawn. We’ve featured not one but five of the most effective soil tests to purchase that are valued for money, accurate, and will ensure you can get healthier soil for your lawn and garden. These are ideal for beginners and advanced gardening enthusiasts alike.

We’ve also broken down some important information you need to know about testing your soil, such as its important pH levels. Make sure your soil has the correct pH and essential nutrients such as nitrogen and potassium to enable it to thrive.




Rapitest Premium Soil Test Kit


Rebecca Vargas is an experienced gardener and landscaper and has been rendering professional services for many years. Her services cover both private homes and commercial properties. Leveraging that rich experience, Rebecca Vargas now dedicates a chunk of time to show just about anyone how to maintain their garden and yard, whether at home or workplace. GreenIQ is his way of reaching and teaching millions of homeowners across the globe about proper gardening and lawn care practices.